What are the differences between sourcing and recruiting?

One of the main differences lies in the method and purpose of contact with the candidate.
Recruiters mainly resort to traditional approaches of searching for the required candidate, carrying out a mass selection of line specialists, or targeted work on a top vacancy. And recruitment includes many stages of candidate selection, such as posting a vacancy, searching on various resources, studying resumes, collecting recommendations from the candidates’ previous place of work, interviewing and evaluating candidates, organizing further interviews with managers, etc.
Sourcing candidates is a pure search. The sourcer’s task is a deep analysis of an enormous amount of information, the candidates’ background and work experience, using all kinds of search tools, specialized platforms, social networks, and so on. Their goal is to source passive candidates as opposed to the recruiter's, whose search is to source active candidates. Sourcers find suitable candidates through active sourcing without direct contact with them. At this moment, the recruiter comes into play, working closely with the sourcer. The sourcer then presents the recruiter with all the obtained data and goes on to source candidates again.