The two types of job seekers

It goes about active and passive candidates. No one claims that some of them are worse than others. Both categories have their pros and cons.
Active job seekers are the ones who are actively looking for a job. They are energetically looking through job ads and applying for desirable positions. Most of them are new hires with no work experience. Some are currently employed but searching for a better salary, career prospects, or working conditions.
Passive job seekers are currently employed and not in a hurry to change their jobs. They are open to new career opportunities, but they have not decided to change their job yet. They are not actively monitoring job boards or vacancies on social media networking sites. On the other hand, a passive candidate can become an active one in a moment.
Thus, the sensible recruitment strategy balances the two treatments: recruiting active job seekers for the currently open roles and keeping in mind recruiting passive candidates in prospects.
Why should both categories not be overlooked? Statistics will give us the answer. According to LinkedIn, only 30% of the global human resource population belong to the category of active job seekers. An incredible 87% of job seekers are active and passive candidates open to new job opportunities. This means that those who exclusively target active candidates and neglect hiring passive candidates lose the lion’s share of potential applicants.