July 2, 2023

What is a dedicated development team in IT?


Panta rhei. Or everything moves, as Heraclitus of Ephesus once said. Yes, everything flows, everything changes. And things are changing especially fast in business.


Fifteen, even ten years ago, when creating digital products, the main alternative to hiring in-house developers was outsourcing the entire project to an external contractor. Today, everything is different. Hybrid approaches such as outstaffing, staffing, or IT staff augmentation are becoming increasingly popular, especially regarding recruitment services in IT.


Undoubtedly, one of the most striking examples of a hybrid format of cooperation between a customer and a supplier in conjunction with insourcing and outsourcing is a dedicated team. In this article, we will talk about such business cooperation in more detail.

What is the dedicated team model?

A dedicated team is a model of cooperation with a digital service provider in which the client is supplied with a dedicated team of specialists, for example, dedicated software development team, for an agreed short period of time or on a long-term basis.


The dedicated team of developers is selected under the project's requirements based on these specialists’ experience and skills. The development management and coordination of the communication process may remain the responsibilities of the implementer. Dedicated teams usually work from the service provider’s office in this case.


The main goal of this dedicated team model is to quickly hire a dedicated development team that will fill the gap in the necessary knowledge and work like your own.

In this format of interaction, when you hire dedicated team from outside, this interaction format allows you to either completely replace the development staff or establish joint work with the internal team, subject to the clear division of responsibility.

The interaction with a dedicated team in IT

The stages of introducing the dedicated team into the project work may be formulated like this:

  • Formation of demands. The contractor studies the requirements of the project and the customer’s wishes on the workflow organization.
  • Selection of specialists. Based on the formulated requirements for the project, appropriate professionals with the needed skills and awareness of particular technologies are selected.
  • Team implementation. Responsible persons, preferred channels of communication and management, and control and monitor tools are agreed upon. Sometimes, the team leader first gets acquainted with the project, and then dedicates the rest of the team to the nuances.
  • Reporting scheme creation. The customer and the contractor decide on the scheme for providing the customer with reporting on the hours spent on the project’s development. Based on these hours, the contractor invoices the customer for the service.

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The benefits of hiring a dedicated development team

There are several obvious advantages to using the dedicated team model in IT:

  • Saving money through quick recruitment. Since the service supplier has a variety of specialists, including those you need for your project, you will receive the wanted team without delaying the project’s launch.
  • Scalability. You can increase or decrease the team size with advance notice to the contractor. You will not need to fire or hire anyone, reducing the cost savings on the related processes.
  • Partial delegation of duties. In this case, on the part of the customer, minimal efforts will be required to manage the project since administration and micromanagement will be more in the contractor's competence. The client will only participate in making the essential decisions and evaluating the result.
  • Process transparency. By participating in the project’s management, you will be able to monitor and coordinate, if necessary, the work of developers at every stage of the project.

A few words at the end

Everything changes, nothing stands still. And to reach the top of your business and remain on top, you also should change and adapt new business strategies and technologies to your workflow.


No doubt, one of these state-of-art and very successful strategies is the dedicated team model.