What is RPO exactly?

RPO is outsourcing the recruitment process or, if you like, a partial or complete transfer by the employer of the search and selection process to a specialized contractor within a project, department, or company.
According to the data of the analytical agency Staffing Industry Analysts, RPO, or recruitment process outsourcing, has been one of the most demanded and actively developing HR services since 2017.
Let me take a closer look at this phenomenon and analyze in detail what kind of service it is and what benefits a company may get from it.
What is RPO exactly?
In what cases is the outsourcing recruitment process relevant?
What does RPO give to the client?
How to measure the efficiency of RPO?
RPO technologies
RPO is outsourcing the recruitment process or, if you like, a partial or complete transfer by the employer of the search and selection process to a specialized contractor within a project, department, or company.
Based on the experience of the OnHires, which also provides outsourcing recruitment in IT, I would highlight the following cases: