Why the candidate's social media networks are important for the recruiter

Today, almost everyone is a regular user of social networking sites, and they may tell a lot about a person. Based on the social media accounts of an applicant, an experienced recruiter can compile a complete dossier on this person, having added the puzzle elements missing in the resume and not clarified during the online or offline interview.
Unfortunately, in social networks, the ideal “I” of a person, on which doesn’t always coincide with their real personality, is usually presented. Self-presentation, positioning and Photoshop work wonders, and a person becomes more attractive, more intelligent and more successful than in real life.
Nevertheless, one way or another, users show their everyday life, values and preferences making decisions each time on which photos or videos to publish and making up posts. In addition, according to their interests and preferences, they choose social media characters to follow or add to “friends”. All these online actions reveal users’ real personalities and demonstrate those around the person who is hiding behind the fabulous cover.